
                                               REFURBISHED MOBILE PHONES There's no doubt, smartphones are quite expensive. However, if you are willing to have a newly released model, purchasing a refurbished mobile phone can save your money considerably. This guide will discuss what to look out for, where you can get one, and how much you can save while buying refurbished iPhones or refurbished Samsung mobiles . REFURBISHED HANDSETS- WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Refurbished phones usually have some stigma. The cheap prices indicate, to some extent, that the phone has some concerns or issues. You can also find them in the categories of “renewed,” “pre-owned,” or “reconditioned phones.” Such phones are also known as “open box” phones. These are all substitutable terms labeling the same thing. Hence, in other words, refurbished mobile phones are those that were returned by customers because they have some faults or even simply sold by their former owner. Such phones will have been